Sunday, May 20, 2012

● Meeting hall construction update as of May 18, 2012

1. The offsite contractor performed the remaining work on the grass
boulevard, sidewalk, and curb.
2. Handrails and guardrails have been installed along the wheelchair ramps and at the steps and entrance leading to the front lobby.
3. Vinyl planks have been installed on the floors of the dining hall and the children classrooms.
4. Trees and shrubs are being planted on the landscaped areas. The two original trees that were moved to a temporary nursery farm have been returned and replanted into the two east corners of the parking lot.
5. The 700 chairs we ordered have been delivered and placed in the main sanctuary.
6. Aluminum soffit ceiling has been installed at the central lobby entrance.
7. Painting of the exterior walls is nearing completion.
8. Carpet has been installed in the main sanctuary.
9. At the front lobby, both floors and stairs have been tiled, the curved balcony is being capped, the ceiling is fully installed, and glass panels have been mounted on the outer handrail facing the curtain wall.
10. The irrigation sprinklers were given a test run.
11. Mirrors are now being installed in the washrooms. Toilet partitions will be installed last.
12. Three LED TV screens have been mounted on the east wall of the main sanctuary.
13. The AV control room is being prepared for the installation of the various sound equipment.
14. Cleaning is going on throughout the building, on the carpets, tiles, glass windows, doors, and washrooms.
15. Electric power will finally be connected to the building after BC Hydro installs the transformer station starting on May 23.

Offering for the meeting hall construction (as of May 13, 2012):

Offering Goal
Current Accumulated Offerings
($1.35 M Loan from LM churches)

Current Disbursement
Current Balance
($1.35M Loan from LM churches)
$3,553,642 /
Project Fund
Security Deposit
Total Expenditure
$709,361 /
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit

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