Monday, April 30, 2012

● Meeting hall construction update as of April 26, 2012

1. The painting work is proceeding at a faster rate with more painters on the job.
2. T-bar ceilings have been installed in all the ground-floor rooms. 
3. The washrooms are being tiled and fitted with plumbing fixtures. 
4. LED lights in the main sanctuary were turned on for the first time on Wednesday morning.
5. Wall plates for appliances and audio and data equipment are being installed. 
6. Telus crew came on Thursday morning to transfer all phone-related cables
    to the new Hydro pole.
7. The parking lot is nearing completion with most of the paving stones 
    already installed.
8. Planter boxes are being placed along the promenade fronting the building. 
9. Work on the elevator is still going on, with electric power supplied by a generator.
10. Permanent power still awaits the BC Hydro crew to come and install. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

● The meeting hall is reaching the completing stage

The meeting hall is reaching the completing stage. Even among the construction workers, foreman, and superintendent, there is a sense of excitement, urgency, anticipation, and satisfaction as various scopes of work coordinate together to bring the meeting hall to its beautiful, stately, and elegant expression.
Attached are some pictures taken this week, showing work being done in different parts of the building.

The LED lights in the main sanctuary were powered for the first time on April 25, 2012. Photo was taken at 8:38 AM.
A view from the stage area looking towards the ceiling, central lobby,  and upper rooms.

Telus crew came on the morning of April 26 to transfer the phone cables to the new Hydro pole.

The east end of the promenade, showing the installing of steps leading to the grass playground.

The east end of the promenade, showing the installing of steps leading to the grass playground.

 Plumbing and toilets being installed in the washroom.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

● Meeting hall construction update as of April 20, 2012

1. We had a meeting at the site with both the present and the new superintendents to discuss the
     latest work progress.                           
2. Tiles are now being installed in the washrooms. The plumbing fixtures will be installed starting next week.
3. The exterior walls are now being painted with the primer coating.
4. LED lighting fixtures are being installed in the main sanctuary.
5. Paving stones on the parking lot and the walkway are nearing completion.        
6. Kitchen appliances, washing machine and dryer need to be ordered soon.
7. Audio equipment will be ready for installation starting next Monday.

Offering for the meeting hall construction, as of April 15, 2012:

Offering Goal
Current Accumulated Offerings
($1.35 M Loan from
Lower Mainland churches)

Current Disbursement
Current Balance
($1.35M Loan from
Lower Mainland churches)
$3,445,707 /
Project Fund
Security Deposit
Total Expenditure
$786,769 /
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

● Meeting hall construction update as of April 12, 2012

1. Floor tiles are now being installed in the kitchen. Other areas to be tiled are the front and central lobbies and all the washrooms. 
2. At the main sanctuary, the six acoustic clouds have been attached to the ceiling. T-bar ceiling frames and panels, LED light fixtures, and airconditioning diffusers are now being installed. Doors and window glass on the side adjoining the central lobby will be mounted starting next week. 
3. The elevator is still being installed, with the machine already relocated to the ground floor beside the church office. 
4. At the site meeting on April 12, we were informed that our general contractor had to shuffle superintendents because of a serious injury to one, 
and the superintendent on our project will be assigned to take his place. We need to pray for the safety and efficiency of all the working crews to 
keep the momentum going smoothly, so that despite changing circumstances, our building can be completed according to plan and schedule. 

 Offering for the meeting hall construction, as of April 08, 2012

Offering Goal
Current Accumulated Offerings
($1.35 M Loan from
Lower Mainland churches)

Current Disbursement
Current Balance
($1.35M Loan from
Lower Mainland churches)
$3,438,797 /
Project Fund
Security Deposit
Total Expenditure
$599,802 /
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

● Meeting hall construction update as of April 5, 2012

1.   The conduits for the electric lines connecting to the pole are being cleaned before electricity can
      be connected.
2.   Two trellises are being installed, one with a glass canopy over the front entrance, and a second 
      one, an open frame on the side facing Brown Road.
3.   Paving stones are being laid on the parking zones.
4.   Painting of the interior will continue for the next two weeks.       

Trellises being installed on the exterior (April 5, 2012)

Offering for the meeting hall construction, as of April 01, 2012 

Offering Goal
Current Accumulated Offerings
($1.35 M Loan from
Lower Mainland churches)

Current Disbursement
Current Balance
($1.35M Loan from
Lower Mainland churches)
$3,432,162 /
Project Fund
Security Deposit
Total Expenditure
$606,437 /
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit

Sunday, April 1, 2012

● Meeting hall construction update as of March 29, 2012

1. The new electric pole has been installed today and the building will soon be "energized" with power, in the words of the site superintendent. With the connection of electric power, a test run of the HVAC system is expected to be done soon, and the elevator can now be installed.
2. Praise the Lord! Through our persistent and steadfast prayers, the last major obstacle has been cleared, and the building project is now moving on rapidly towards completion in about 2 more months.
3. Another obstacle was the elevator company's objection to the former location of the machine room, which is now moved to the ground floor. The advantage is that the former room designated for the machine can now be used as extra storage space.
4. The 72" X 36" X 24" baptismal tub has been put in place. Ceilings, walls, and floors in the washrooms and shower/changes rooms are still in the stage of preparation before tiles and plumbing fixtures are installed.
5. Paving stones for the parking lot and periphery of the building will be installed in two weeks' time from the date of delivery.
6. Plastering of the walls throughout the interior is still going on and painting will take another month.
7. We must continue to pray for the right weather for the exterior painting work to proceed according to schedule.

Offering for the meeting hall construction, as of March 25, 2012

Offering Goal
    Current Accumulated Offerings
    ($1.35 M Loan from
    Lower Mainland churches)
Current Disbursement
    Current Balance
  ($1.35M Loan from
     Lower Mainland   
$4,500,000 (CAD) 
      $3,394,977  /$4,744,977
Project Fund
Security Deposit
Total Expenditure
    $614,762 /
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit