Wednesday, August 31, 2011

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of August 30, 2011

 A video of constructi​on progress

This is the building foundation work on the east side.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of August 24, 2011

 August 24, 2011:

• From August 12 to August 24, the contractor for site services has performed 100% of the sanitary sewer
   works and about 90% of the storm sewer works. Progress billing of $195,000 is due and payable this
• By September 16, the site services will have been fully completed and the balance of $240,000 will be due
  and payable at that time.
• The design of the main meeting hall requires much study and consideration for a suitable acoustic
  environment that optimizes and balances sound absorption and transmission.
• Please continue to pray for the meeting hall to be designed and built for the most effective control of
  outside noise from air and road traffic, for the most pleasant conveying of interior sound from speaking and
  singing, and for the timely progress of the construction and for its completion by June 1, 2012.

Information regarding the offering for the meeting hall construction, as of August 21, 2011:

Offering Goal Current Accumulated Offerings Current Disbursement Current Balance
$4,500,000 (CAD) $2,619,499 (CAD) $1,264,472 (CAD) $1,355,027 (CAD)
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at Present Current Deficit
58.21% $1,880,501

August 19, 2011:

• The sewer construction started on Aug. 12 and is expected to be completed by the middle of September.
• The excavation and foundation work that began on Aug. 16 will last until the first week of October with
   the pouring of the concrete slab.
• From the second week of October until the fourth week of November, the concrete tilt panels will be
   prepared, poured, cured, and erected.
• The structural steel, metal decking, and roofing will be installed from November until the end of this year.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of August 16, 2011

 Drainage pipes are now being installed along the south and east property lines.


Please see the attached file for the updated construction schedule. June 1, 2012 is the new target date for occupancy. Praise the Lord! The individual prayers of the saints and the corporate prayers of the churches will make this a reality at the appointed time!            ● The attached file for the updated  construction schedule>>

Information regarding the offering pledges for the meeting hall construction:
                As of August 07, 2011:
Offering Goal
Current Accumulated Offerings
Current Disbursement
Current Balance
$4,500,000 (CAD)
$2,530,209 (CAD)
$1,227,872 (CAD)
$1,302,337 (CAD)
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit
$1,969,791 (CAD)

 News Update on the Meeting Hall Construction:     
          As of August 12, 2011:
1.      The lock-blocks have been laid as permanent retaining walls along the south and the east property lines.
2.      The storm sewer construction along Brown Road started last week. The stretch of road fronting our property is a temporary no-parking zone from Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saints who wish to see the site may do so from the school playground on the east side.
3.      This week the contractor will start drainage work on site.
4.      Clearing of trees and shrubs north of the site will be scheduled within this month.
5.      Work on the footings for the columns of the building is scheduled to begin after the drainage work is done.
6.      Construction will speed up in September. Please pray for every aspect of the work to proceed according to schedule.


1. 锁墙块沿着南部和东部地界线已放置好,作为永久护墙。
2. 沿Brown 路下水道已於本周开始施工。从星期一至星期五,上午7 时至下午5 时,我们工地
3. 这个星期承包商将开始作现场排水沟的工程。
4. 北部的树和灌木预定在这个月之内清除。
5. 排水工程完成之后,会所的地基工程将开始进行。
6. 工地的进展在9 月将加速。请为建筑的各个方面祷告,盼整个工程能按照时间表进行。

● Meeting Hall Construction Starting Date August 8, 2011

                                           Meeting hall construction was starting on Aug. 8



                                             Picture #5500

                                              Picture #5501

          Images #5500 and #5501 show the trench on the south side of the property where the
          permanent lock-blocks will be placed.

● Building Permit & Site Service Permit Issued!

Construction is going to start next week!

News Update on the Meeting Hall Construction:
1. Praise the Lord! The building permit was issued on August 2 and the site service permit was issued on August 3.
2. The building permit is for the meeting hall onsite. The site service permit is for the sewer and road works offsite.
3. On Friday, August 5, at 3:00 p.m. we will have a meeting at the jobsite with Hexcel Construction, Wales McLelland Construction, and Interface Architecture to coordinate the sewer and meeting hall construction work and discuss the implementation of the building plans.
4. Next week, the construction project will go into full swing.
5. We need to continue praying for the construction to proceed   unhindered, with
a) a steady supply and constant pricing of materials,
b) well-coordinated construction crews for both the building works and the sewer works,
c) safety and security at the jobsite
d) suitable weather for the masonry work and other weather-sensitive phases of the project,
e) above all, abundance blessings from the who is the real Owner, Architect, and Builder.

1.  感谢讚美主!我们已於八月二日拿到有关盖造会所的建筑许可。又於八月三日拿到有关舖设人行道,下水道等的公共设施装置许可。

2.  在八月五日下午,我们已经与建商,建築师,在 Brown Road 工地开会,讨论如何进行会所工程及公共设施工程的有关事宜。

3. 上述两项工程将於本星期正式开工。

4. 我们需要继续迫切的为著下列事项祷告,使工程的进度不会受到任何负面的影响:
-    建筑材料的供应要充足,价格要稳定
-    两项工程有良好的配合
-    工地各方面的安全
-    适当的施工天气
-    最重要的是求主大大的祝福我们,祂才是真正的主人,设计者并建筑者。

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of July 31, 2011 )

1. On July 27 and 29, we paid all the development cost charges and sewer works inspection fees to the City, amounting to almost $76,000.

2. A pre-construction meeting will be scheduled this week among the City staff, the sewer construction company, and the engineering consultant, to discuss the procedures for doing the offsite works.
3. August 2 is the earliest date for the building permit to be issued (August 9 at the latest). We should pray for this to take place within this week.
Information regarding the offering pledges for the meeting hall construction As of July 24, 2011)
Offering GoalCurrent Accumulated OfferingsCurrent DisbursementCurrent Balance
$4,500,000 (CAD)$2,428,766 (CAD)$1,201,302 (CAD)$1,227,464 (CAD)
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit
$2,071,234 (CAD)
1. 7月27日和29日,我们付了所有的开发成本费和下水道工程驗费,约$76,000。
2. 一个施工前的会议将于本周举行,开会成员为市政府职员、下水道建设公司以及提供工程计划、工程图的工程顾问等。
3. 我们的建筑许可证最早可望于8月2日发出(最迟为8/9日),请为此祷告,求主于本周内成全这事。
我们感谢主主宰的安排,在这沉长的过程中,使我们迫切为会所有更多的祷告。但愿我们坚定持续的祷告与奉献 ,使工程从开始到结束不间断地进行。
$ 4,500,000
53.97 %
$ 2,071,234

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of July 24, 2011

1. On Monday evening, July 25, 2011, the City Council will have its final meeting before the summer break.The agenda will include the approval of all the completed and registered legal documents for our building project.
2. By Wednesday, the City mayor will have signed the documents for the official adoption of the bylaw.
3. By Friday, the exact amounts for the Development Cost Charges (DCC) and other fees will be known and
payment is expected on the same day.
4. By next Tuesday, August 2, 2011, the Building Permit is expected to be released.
5. By the second week of August, we expect full mobilization of both the onsite and offsite construction works.
This has been a long and tedious process, but we thank the Lord for His sovereign arrangement in leading us to pray desperately for the meeting hall. May we continue steadfastly in prayer and in material offerings for the construction to proceed uninterruptedly from start to finish.
 1.  725日,星期一晚上,市议会将在夏季休会之前的最后一次会议,批准我们建设项目已完成并已注册的所有法律文件。
2.  周三,市长将签署该建设项目的Bylaw正式通过。
3.  周五,市府将通知我们开发成本收费(DCC和其他费用的确切数额,在同一天就要支付。
4.  预计下周二,82日,就能拿到建筑许可证。
5.  8月第二个星期,我们期待建筑包商工程及下水道的工程能同时进行。

$ 4,500,000
$ 2,374,031
$ 1,122,364
$ 1,251,667
52.76 %
$ 2,125,969

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of July 17, 2011

1. On July 11, we signed the contract with the construction company to do the offsite sewer construction works.
2. Based on the cooling load expected for conferences when our meeting hall will be filled to capacity, we have decided to install two airconditioning units of 20 tons each. This system will increase our cost by about $54,000, but provides the most stages of cooling for best part load performance, adequately covers all cooling load demands, requires no changes to the ceiling depth, and has backup capability in case either unit fails.
3. Praise the Lord! As of Friday, July 15, the registration of our servicing agreement has been confirmed by the Land Title Office (LTO). As a result, our church project will be included in the agenda of the Council meeting on July 25. This will conclude the entire application for building permit.

  1. 7/11日,我们将下水道工程发包给建筑公司并签订合约。
  2. 空调设备我们最后议定安装两个系统(每个单位为20吨),这个项目增加成本约54,000元,但其功能及负荷的承受量,均能符合我们的最高要求。
  3.  我们的服务协议送交LTO(土地所有权办公室)已於7月15日完成登记,并且我们的建筑申请可于市议会7/25日的议程中被审理, 我们整个申请程序至此便全部完成。
$ 4,500,000
$ 2,298,731
$ 1,122,364
$ 1,176,367
51.08 %
$ 2,201,269