- Work on insulation materials and gypsum wall boards is 60% accomplished.
- The sanctuary space is now being prepared for painting, sound and lighting fixtures, air diffusers, and acoustic ceiling clouds.
- Doors to the front lobby and entrance lobby have been installed. Automatic door closers and security sensors will be added later.
- Plumbing and fixtures for the washrooms and the baptismal tub and shower rooms are in progress.
- The driving aisles on the parking lot have been paved with asphalt. The parking spaces will next be lined with permeable pavers.
Offering for the meeting hall construction, as of February 19, 2012:
Offering Goal
Current Accumulated Offerings
($500K Loan from Surrey
And $500K Loan - Burnaby)
Current Disbursement
Current Balance
($500K Loan from Surrey and $500K Loan - Burnaby)
| ||
$3,280,862 /
Project Fund
Security Deposit
Total Expenditure
–$405,307 /
| |||
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit
| ||||