Meeting Hall Construction Update, as of September 2, 2011:
1. Pouring of cement for the concrete footings and foundations was completed on September 2.
2. Last Thursday, we had a further discussion with the architect on the acoustic requirements of the main meeting hall.
3. From the first week of September till the first week of October, the ground will be leveled and backfilled, the reinforced bars will be laid, and the concrete mix for the slab-on-grade will be poured. This process is the forming of the concrete slab for the main floor of the meeting hall.
4. By mid-October, pouring of concrete for the tilt-up panels will start; curing will follow for about a week; and by the third week of November, the panels can be erected to form the walls of the meeting hall.
5. As the construction goes into high gear, please pray for the material supply to keep in step with the work progress.
6. Please pray for suitable weather to prevail throughout the critical stages of construction.
Information regarding the offering for the meeting hall construction, as of August 28, 2011:
Offering Goal
Current Accumulated Offerings
Current Disbursement
Current Balance
$4,500,000 (CAD)
$2,630,924 (CAD)
$1,459,472 (CAD)
$1,171,452 (CAD)
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit
$1,869,076 (CAD)