Thursday, September 29, 2011

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of September 23, 2011

 This picture, taken on September 19, shows the forms still being installed for the low walls on the north side of the building, in preparation for concrete pouring.

Taken on September 23, this shows the concrete walls after the forms were removed.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of September 25, 2011

  1. The curb for the road was completed last week. Leveling of the road surface continued.
  2. Cement pouring was completed to form the concrete retaining walls on the north and west sides of the building.
  3. A layer of sand and a layer of gravel were paved over the entire floor area to form the subsurface for the pouring of the SOG (slab on grade),
     which is scheduled for this week.
  4. The entire month of October is scheduled for the pouring and forming of the tilt panels for the building walls.
  5. Construction work is proceeding according to schedule. May the Lord supply us continually through the timely offering of the saints.

Pictures of the Current Construction Site:

Current Status on Material Offerings:
Offering GoalCurrent Accumulated OfferingsCurrent DisbursementCurrent Balance
$4,500,000 (CAD)$2,704,704 (CAD)$1,765,337 (CAD)$939,367 (CAD)
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at PresentCurrent Deficit
60.10%$1,795,296 (CAD)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of September 18, 2011:

  1. On September 13, we had a meeting with the architect and the general contractor to review the work progress to date.
  2. The sewer work is almost completed, except for a section that intersects a gas main, which has to be raised by 3 feet. Negotiation with the gas company resulted in a 40% reduction of the cost of alteration to $12,183.
  3. The curb, gutters, and asphalt pavement will be done in the next two weeks. 
  4. The shrubs and 7 trees on 4420 Brown Road have been removed to provide more space for future use. Only one tree at the NE corner is retained. Removal of other trees along the roadside needs to be approved by the City’s parks department. 
  5. Waste material will be removed from the site at an estimated cost of $7,000 to $9,000 for trucking and dumping.
  6. The plumbing and drainage on site is about 95% complete. 
  7. Foundation walls will be completed by September 19. Work on the floor slabs will be done in the next two weeks. 
  8. The contractor will provide us with an updated construction schedule plus a cash flow chart for our schedule of payments.
Current Status on Material Offerings:
Offering Goal Current Accumulated OfferingsCurrent DisbursementCurrent Balance
$4,500,000 (CAD)$2,685,009 (CAD)$1,489,730 (CAD)$1,195,279 (CAD)
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at PresentCurrent Deficit
59.66%$1,814,991 (CAD)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

● Video of Site View as of September 14, 2011

A 360-degree view of the construction site from the NE corner of the second lot, 4420 Brown Rd. just cleared of trees and shrubs, turning counterclockwise towards the south side of 4460 and back to the northeast corner.

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of September 11, 2011

  1. The general contractor has accomplished 10% of the total work contract, and a second progress billing of $275,000 is due this week.
  2. The storm sewer connection has run into a section of the gas main pipeline, which needs to be raised by about three feet, and FortisBC is charging us more than $20,000 for this alteration. We have discussed this with our engineering consultants to negotiate for a much lower cost by defining the scope of work so as to rule out duplication of work that the sewer construction company has already contracted to do.
  3. To date, the plumbing for water and drainage for the washrooms, the electrical connections for street lighting, and the grading of the parking lot are in progress. 
  4. Clay and silt material dug from the ground to make way for the drainage system is unsuitable as backfill and will have to be disposed of at additional cost.
Current Status on Material Offerings:
Offering Goal Current Accumulated OfferingsCurrent DisbursementCurrent Balance
$4,500,000 (CAD)$2,619,499 (CAD)$1,264,472 (CAD)$1,355,027 (CAD)
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at PresentCurrent Deficit

Friday, September 9, 2011

● Video of Foundation Work as of September 9, 2011

A 180-degree view of the construction site from the southeast to the southwest corner of our property, taken mid-afternoon of Friday, Sep. 9, 2011, shows the footings and foundations, sand backfill, and the plumbing (black pipes). Much work needs to be done in the coming weeks. Our part in this construction process is to exercise our spirit in much prayer and offering.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of September 2, 2011


 Meeting Hall Construction Update, as of September 2, 2011:

1.    Pouring of cement for the concrete footings and foundations was completed on September 2.
2.   Last Thursday, we had a further discussion with the architect on the acoustic requirements of the main meeting hall.
3.  From the first week of September till the first week of October, the ground will be leveled and backfilled, the reinforced bars will be laid, and the concrete mix for the slab-on-grade will be poured. This process is the forming of the concrete slab for the main floor of the meeting hall.
4.   By mid-October, pouring of concrete for the tilt-up panels will start; curing will follow for about a week; and by the third week of November, the panels can be erected to form the walls of the meeting hall.
5.  As the construction goes into high gear, please pray for the material supply to keep in step with the work progress.
6.   Please pray for suitable weather to prevail throughout the critical stages of construction.

Information regarding the offering for the meeting hall construction, as of August 28, 2011:

Offering Goal
Current Accumulated Offerings
Current Disbursement
Current Balance
$4,500,000 (CAD)
$2,630,924 (CAD)
$1,459,472 (CAD)
$1,171,452 (CAD)
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit
$1,869,076 (CAD)


● Video of Concrete Pouring as of September 1, 2011

Liquid concrete is being pumped from a boom cement pump into the forms for the footings and foundations of the meeting hall. Worker in the foreground is using a vibrator to remove air pockets from the poured cement before it hardens, following  the other worker who controls and guides the flow of cement from the hose into the forms.

● Meeting Hall Construction Update as of September 1, 2011

Photos show the pouring of cement on the footings and foundations of the meeting hall.
Curing of the concrete takes place over the Labour Day long weekend. 
Floor slab preparation begins on the second week of September.