● The following pictures shown that the various meetings be holed in the new meeting hall at the first time Lord's table meeting on June 17, 2012.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
● The Church in Richmond has been granted a provisional occupancy permit
Praise and thank the Lord for answering our prayers!
We are allowed to use the meeting hall beginning on June 17, except for areas where deficiencies have been found, mainly pertaining to safety issues.
The provisional permit actually works to our advantage, because it highlights many safety features that were overlooked, missing, or inadequately installed. For a building such as ours, which is intended to be occupied by hundreds of people at certain times, the safety code requires the builder to provide the right height for a balcony wall, handrails for steps leading to the entrance doors, sealing of gaps between concrete walls and along the sides of stairways for smoke separation and fire protection, tactile and visual contrast on steps to alert people to changes in height, and a few other minor items. The contractor did all the necessary work on Friday to clear most of the deficiencies. By 5:30 p.m., the City inspector came on site, after office hours on his own time, to go through the building again and gave us the conditional approval. The outstanding deficiencies will be corrected within the shortest possible time this weekend and next week.
The first use of the meeting hall this coming Lord's day (June 17) will give us time to test all the facilities and features of the building and take note of what is lacking or what needs to be adjusted, improved, replaced, or added, so that we can be prepared for forthcoming conferences, trainings, and blending with the saints from other localities.
The following pictures show brothers and sisters who were cleaning up the rooms and kitchen; some brothers were setting the seats in the main meeting hall.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
● The Meeting Hall – Its Functions, Features, Use, and Maintenance
The Meeting Hall – Its Functions, Features, Use, and
Scripture reading: Rom.
12:4-11; 2 Cor. 10:18; 13:9-11; Eph. 4:16
I. The meeting hall is an expression of the church.
The church is the assembly of
all the called-out ones, all the believers collectively, the household of God,
the Body of Christ, the new man, the kingdom of God in reality, the golden
lampstand in testimony.
The meeting hall must express
the church in all its aspects.
It is where the believers
gather together.
It is where people can receive
the gospel, can be saved and baptized.
All brothers and sisters in the
Lord are the fellow members, co-owners, joint partakers of all its benefits and
co-sharers of all its responsibilities.
The meeting hall is an
enlargement of the saints’ homes.
A. It is our corporate home
and needs our corporate love and care.
It reflects our purpose, interests, goals,
pursuits, and character.
1. It can be beautified, but
not overly decorated.
2. It should have a sense of
Christ, a Christian atmosphere, a godly environment.
Framed Bible verses may be hung on the walls, meaningful items may be
displayed at the right places, and hymn music may be played from the PA system.
It should make people feel
welcome. Besides proper greeting at the reception counter, caution and discernment must be exercised to
screen real guests from intruders.
5. It should
be clean, orderly, and pleasing in sight and smell.
6. It should
be a hub of activities, not a huge quiet, vacant space. Remember, it is our second
home, where we like to spend our time with the members of God’s family.
III. The meeting hall is a
physical and outward testimony of the church’s spiritual and inward reality.
In the spiritual aspect, the
church is one body, yet has many members, and all the members have different
functions. The meeting hall is one building structure, yet has many rooms with
different functions.
Full use of the meeting hall
shows that the church is in active, vital, vigorous, and fruit-bearing mode.
Non-use means the church is weak, lax, unhealthy, and barren.
A church that practices
begetting, nourishing, perfecting, and building will always be in resurrection,
revival, renewing, and rejuvenation.
All the various services in the
church and related to the meeting hall are to be done in fellowship, in one
accord, in one spirit with one soul, one mind, one heart, one way, and one
mouth. (Phil. 1:27; Jeremiah 32:29; Rom. 15:5-6)
The serving saints must know
their capacity, function, areas of responsibility, and serve within their measure,
not overstepping, not overruling, not overriding, not lording it over others,
not for overthrowing, but for building up, for our perfecting (2 Cor. 13:9-11).
The meeting hall is a place for
the church’s most important functions.
The meeting hall’s main
sanctuary is for combined meetings, blending conferences, perfecting trainings,
and big gatherings.
The meeting rooms on the second
floor are for daytime perfecting meetings on weekdays and Saturdays, district
meetings on the Lord’s day, video trainings, webcast meetings, and smaller
gatherings, as scheduled.
The lunch room (kitchen) is for
food storage, food preparation, cooking and related functions. It is limited in
access to those assigned to this service.
The AV room contains very
crucial and sensitive equipment. Only designated serving saints for audio-video
operations are allowed access to this room.
The meeting/dining area on the
main floor is multifunctional. It may be used for children’s combined meetings,
as overflow meeting room, as love-feast dining hall, visitors’ lounge,
sitting/reading lounge etc., and will have coffee, tea, water, snack service
throughout the day.
The five classrooms on the main
floor are designated for children’s meeting.
The elders’ room, located
beside the elevator, is for the meetings of the responsible brothers.
The baptismal area on the
second floor, with a 6-foot tub and two change rooms, is an important function
of the meeting hall, for producing new gospel fruits.
The meeting hall should be
properly used and maintained.
The meeting hall is our
extended home, just as the church is our extended family. We must use it and
take care of it as we would our own residence.
All the saints are entitled to
the use and enjoyment of all the basic functions and amenities of the meeting
hall. We should always remember to put things back in place and in order after
moving or using them, such as chairs, tables and other furniture; utensils,
appliances, etc. A hygienic and sanitary environment is everyone’s
responsibility and concern.
When supply is low on consumable
items, such as disposable cups and plates, paper towels, toilet paper, soap,
etc., please inform the serving ones at the front desk for replenishment.
For anything that is not
functioning properly, please inform the front desk personnel, so that technical
support can be notified and repairs can be done without delay.
We have timers and settings for
heating and cooling, sprinkler and alarm systems. They are to be controlled or
changed only by the designated serving team. However, please turn off water
faucets and lights (except those on sensors such as in the washrooms and
baptismal change rooms, or set to be lit 24 hours) after use, to conserve
energy and resources.
The outdoor premises, the
parking lot, and planted areas on our side of the property, including the
sidewalk and grass boulevard on City property, need our periodic maintenance.
In emergency situations, such
as fire, earthquake, etc., standard safety procedures must be learned and
followed. Everyone must be familiar with the location of exits, the operation
of doors, and route of evacuation. In case of elevator malfunction, power
failure, sounding of fire or burglar alarm, please notify the responsible
brothers immediately.
All switches, controls, cameras,
thermostats, mechanical and electrical devices, etc., are to be operated by
designated individuals assigned to that particular service. This is to ensure
safety and prevent damage. This will redound to our enjoyment of the meeting
hall for many decades to come.
会所 ─ 它的用处、特点、使用及维护
壹 会所是召会的彰显
一 召会是蒙召出来的会众,是所有信徒的集体、是神的家、基督的身体、新人。在实际里是神的国,在见证上是金灯台。
二 会所是彰显召会的各方面
1. 它是信徒聚集在一起的地方。
2. 它是人能来听福音、得救、受浸的地方。
3. 在主里的弟兄姐妹都是彼此作肢体,同作主人,同享所有的益处,同负所有的责任。
贰 会所是圣徒家的扩大
一 它是我们团体的家庭。
1. 可以美化但不需过度的装饰。
2. 有基督的感觉,基督徒的气氛,敬虔的环境。
3. 可以有经节掛在墙上,有意义的装饰品放於合适的位置,或从音响放送诗歌。
4. 必须叫人感觉受欢迎。除了在柜檯前与人适当的打招呼,还须有正确的辨别力,谁是真实的客人或是侵入者。
5. 必须是整齐、清洁、悦目、芳香。
6. 必须是活动的中心,不是安静的大空间。它是我们第二个家,我们喜欢在这里,与家里所有的成员在一起。
参 召会有属灵和内在的实际,会所有物质和外在的见证
一 在属灵一面来看,召会是一个身体,却有许多的肢体,每个肢体有不同的功用。会所也是一个建筑物,有许多不同功用的房间。
二 会所能全用上,是说出召会有活力、健康、能结果子的状态;不使用表示召会是软弱、松散、不健康、不结果实。
三 一个实行生、养、教、建的召会,就能维持在复活、复兴、更新和变年轻的光景中。
四 各项服事,必须在交通里来进行,同心合意,在一个灵里,同有一个魂、一个心、一条路、一个口。(腓一27; 耶三二39; 罗十五5-6)
五 服事的圣徒必须知道他们自己的度量,功用、负责的範围,不越过自己的度量,也不抹煞别人的服事,不作主管辖别人,也不拆毁人,这乃是为著建造,为著被成全。(林後十三9-11)
肆 会所是召会最重要功用的场所
一 会所的主要大厅是为著集中聚会、相调聚会、成全训练和大集调来使用的。
二 二楼的房间主日为区聚会用,週间成全聚会、录影训练、网站直播信息、小聚集,请交通排表使用。
三 厨房是为著服事膳食用的,只有安排在此服事的圣徒可进入。
四 电器录影室,因器材非常精细,只有专项服事者才可入内。
五 楼下中厅可用於:儿童集中、聚会相调、或大集调时的延伸会厅、爱筵用、打乒乓球、或邀请福音朋友来,有茶水、点心供应,可坐下来读属灵书报。
六 楼下五间课室为儿童聚会用。
七 长老室於楼下进门,电梯旁。
八 浸池於二楼面对中厅,连著两个更衣室。
伍 会所必须正确的使用及维护
一 会所是我们延伸的房屋,如同召会是我们延伸的家。我们就必须使用维护会所,如同我们自己的家。
二 所有圣徒都有权利使用并享受所有的设施,但要记得所有的东西用完要归原位。保持环境清洁是人人的责任及该注意的事。
三 消耗物品如卫生纸、纸杯等,快用完时要通知职事室,好通知相关服事者预备。
四 若见东西有破损,请立即通知值班的弟兄姐妹,好连络安排专项的服事弟兄来修理。
五 冷暖气、喷灑花草、保安系统都设有自动开关,只有受安排做此专项服事的弟兄们才能去动它。会所除了厕所设有自动感应灯之外,其它地方的灯火及水龙头请务必随手关上,为著节省能源。
六 会所外围的花园、停车场及属市府的人行道,均需由我们保持整洁,如剪草、扫落叶。
七 如遇紧急事故,如地震、火灾等,大家都需知道我们有几个紧急出口,应如何走。电梯故障或警报响务必要通知负责弟兄。
八 所有圣徒必须熟悉会所的地理环境。至於其他的开关、电器、冷暖气、音响、保全等设施只有一些专项服事的弟兄姐妹才可运作。这是为著安全,也是为著东西能持久的让我们来享用,且避免破坏或错用机器或电器。
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
● 41 Taiwan's co-workers visited and prayed for Richmond's MHC
About 50 brothers, 41 of whom are co-workers from Taiwan, came to the new meeting hall on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, for a time of prayer of consecration and dedication of the building to the Lord for His commission, expression, and multiplication through the spreading of the gospel and the strengthening of the church life to build up His Body for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose.
the latest updates
the latest updates
Balcony above front lobby |
Central lobby |
Main floor classrooms |
Main floor classrooms |
Dining hall or lounge |
Main stairs |
Second floor foyer |
Balcony above front lobby |
Second floor elevator area |
Sunday, June 3, 2012
● Meeting hall construction update as of May 25, 2012
The power transformer was finally installed on May 24. All the lights at the
lobbies, main sanctuary, and the parking lot were turned on for the first time using the permanent electric power. Fire
alarm testing was conducted on May 25 and verification by the fire department
will be done on May 29.
Plumbing fixtures have been installed on the
baptismal tub, shower stalls and washrooms.
Onsite landscaping is near completion. Offsite works are 100% complete except
for the final asphalt paving schedule one year from now.
Remaining work on the elevator will be finished by the final week of May.
Deficiencies in the roofing and flooring are being checked and remedied.
The meeting hall is due for city inspection and approval for occupancy after
all paper works are completed. We must pray for all the construction and administrative processes to be concluded by
the end of May and for the building to be turned over to us by early June.
Offering for the meeting hall construction (as of May 20, 2012)
Offering for the meeting hall construction (as of May 20, 2012)
Accumulated Offerings
Project Fund
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit
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