1. The offsite work on the power station and pole relocation is proceeding according to schedule.
2. The 6-ft. baptismal tub has arrived and is now being installed.
3. We have decided on installing an island counter in the kitchen for food preparation and service.
4. Painting is almost done in the main sanctuary. Doors and window glazing will be installed next.
5. The elevator company has raised an issue regarding the location of the machine room. Final
decision will be made this week.
Attached are a photo and a short video clip, taken on
March 22, 2012, showing the exterior of the meeting hall. |
This photo, taken on March 23, shows the west section of the
main sanctuary. Painting has been done, and 8 diffusers for
HVAC have been installed on the ceiling.
Offering for the meeting hall construction, as of March 18, 2012
Offering Goal
Accumulated Offerings
($1.35 M
Loan from
Mainland churches)
Current Disbursement
($1.35M Loan from Lower Mainland churches)
$4,500,000 (CAD)
/$4,734,877 |
Project Fund
Security Deposit
Total Expenditure
–$624,862 /$725,138
Percentage of our Goal Achieved at present
Current Deficit